Wednesday, February 20, 2008


so i was sick from sunday-present, kinda. i thought it was allergies/a hangover on sunday, but it kept getting worse. and i hate being sick, even just a little cold which this was, really. i just can't do anything and i hate feeling so useless. i slept all day pretty much for almost two days, didn't go to work, didn't go to the gym, had a REALLY hard time taking care of the animals...i was such a pathetic little mess. i'm finally feeling better, but even now, i'm still that sort-of sick which is even worse than being full-out sick. because i want to do things--go shopping, go to the gym, go out, etc--but i just don't fully have the energy.

i have been doing more yoga though, which is really nice to get back into. and although i definitely prefer classes, i'm also finding that doing it solo kinda works.

since i have been sick, i've been thinking about quitting again. cigarettes. the last time i smoked was one little cigarette after lunch on sunday. i haven't had ONE in almost three whole days and i haven't been craving them either. it's just hard to think about working and not smoking or going out and not smoking. i have been pretty good about not smoking a whole lot during the day, in general, even before getting sick. my routine usually consisted of waking up, working out, showering, eating, running errands, and then and only then, usually about three, would i smoke a cigarette or two before work. then a cigarette straight after work. then some with a few drinks after work and that's it. which isn't really bad at all, but i suppose it'd be good to stop altogether.

we'll see. nate and i both do want to stop so i think the two of us together can get to a certain point, some date in the near future and i'm sure together we can definitely do it.

the payless boots were only available in size six, in other news.

and with that, i'm off!!


JenGreenwell said...

hope you are feeling better dear~

zunkerific said...

stinks about the size limit. No fair