Wednesday, February 13, 2008


so i made a mistake today and popped onto

i LOVE payless shoes. i don't want a good pair of shoes that will last me forever, because i'm far too ADD when it comes to styles, i want something that i like right NOW and if i don't like it tomorrow, i don't want to feel bad about having spent tons of money on a shoe i'm never going to wear again.

i have a pair of boots from payless that i think i've worn exactly one time. but they were twenty-five bucks. so it's like, i like having them around in case there's that ONE outfit with which they go perfectly, but i don't really mind that i don't wear them everyday because when it comes down to it and we're thinking about the big picture here, twenty-five bucks? not THAT much money, REALLY.

and there's not tons of cute stuff on the website necessarily right now, that's not the problem. the problem is that there is a pair of boots, ANOTHER pair of cute little ankle boots, something to which evidently i'm addicted. and they're thirty bucks. again, not TOO TOO much money, but do i really need another pair of cute little ankle boots that i might not necessarily wear lying around my closet? and they're red which is both more and less appealing to me. i LOVE red shoes. i'm slightly notorious for said love of red shoes. but red is surprisingly hard to sort of match to things.

i'll probably end up buying them at the end of the week. a little valentine's gift to myself, after what promises to be a hard week of hard work.

that sounds like a nice sort of deal there.

it's a gray day. i need to get out of the house, but go where? always a difficult, unanswerable question. i have a day off from work today. i've been to the gym, i've eaten a big delicious breakfast, and walked the dog. and it's to that point in the day where either i have to decide to go out and do something, or take a nap or something.

the grayness isn't helping me resist the nap option.

but i'll probably go across the street for coffee and some real writing.

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