Tuesday, February 5, 2008

'i want to save the world through cookies'

so i made a few chocolate chip cookies today. thought i might bring them into work and let that be my positivity spreader for the day. but i made them bigger than usual therefore there are less of them. next time: double the recipe. additionally, i discovered a few little secret ingredients and tricks. so now they're MINE. and that's always fun, to know how to make something and well and just a titch differently than anyone else's. they're soft, slightly undercooked probably, quite honestly, but that's the way i like them.

in other, far healthier news, i got myself to the gym today for the first time in two days...something happened this weekend, where i just felt really unmotivated to go, and i hate that. i hate taking two days off, because it's always hard to get back into the groove. it's the same thing for me with work, it was the same thing with school. two or more days off from anything, and i am in full-on relaxation mode. ironically, the gym really relaxes me, so i'm trying to get back into a good routine here.

especially when there are cookies lying around, waiting to be eaten.

i'm watching some britney spears special on E! and it's depressing, seeing the downward spiral. from almost the very, very beginning, you can just tell where she's going to end up. and it's more depressing that this special exists and more depressing still is that people are watching it. i'm watching it.

and with that, i've turned off the television. so now i'm listening to yelle instead. a faaar better use of my time. french 80's-inspired disco-y music. YES.

either you're totally annoyed by yelle or you kinda love 'em and they put you in a good mood and i definitely belong in the latter group. either way, between a good workout at the gym, freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, and yelle, i'm definitely ready for a fun mardi gras shift at work in about an hour and i hope to radiate positive vibes all night long.

la vie est belle, mes soeurs et mes freres.

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