Monday, November 12, 2007

la premiere...le premier?

megan terry, what can i say? you are an inspiration.

it'll be interesting to see how long this lasts, this blogging thing. at the same time, i feel i need an excuse to practice my writing on a more regular basis and at least for the moment this will satisfy that craving of sorts. plus, i can't seem to find my moleskine.

for those who don't know/do care, a bit of background:

so i'm living down here in the south. the longest i've ever lived here all at once, ever. before, i had only been here the summer before i went to france, so it was more like staying in this one place from may until october. yet here i am, november, and it's actually okay. the weather's gotten more normal because as much as i love sunshine and heat, ninety degrees in mid-october wasn't cutting it.

nate and i are living together in a sweet apartment directly across the street from the wine bar where i serve fairly pretentious (but wealthy!) people fantastic gourmet deliciousness almost every night. i love my job, strangely enough. i thought i would have burnt out by now, but not quite yet. i do, however, need to get my ass in gear and start really studying wine and moving up within the business. i can't be a waitress for the rest of my life. however, i have no problem being a little wine aficianado. a pro wino, if you will. that appeals to me.

nate came with a bit of furry baggage. as did i. we've adopted each other's pets, resulting in a small zoo here at the apartment, with garner the dog and soot the cat. they took a bit to get used to each other but they get along swimmingly and i love having company around when nate's at work during the day. even when it's meowing, eating the trash, slightly hyper/high maintenance company every now and then.

nate teaches sixth grade history at a middle school here and although finding it challenging, definitely also loves it. and he's fantastic at it. and i'm proud of him. to hear more on that, we'll have to convince mr. furr to get his own blog.

so life is lovely, really. i wake up early(ish) almost every morning and head to the gym across the street (i rarely drive--i am saving disgusting amounts of money on gas, i'm sure, it's fabulous), i come back, walk the dog, shower, eat breakfast, hang out, run errands, entertain myself until work which is usually around 4pm. then i work my booty off running around the restaurant all night long and nate walks me back to the apartment...there's a nice sense of routine, but also opportunities for other stuff. saving all the money on gas means there's more for date nights and going out in general, maybe road trips in the near future, and sometimes (although rarely) shopping!

so there you have it. my first blog. feedback always welcome, of course. otherwise, the blog will probably wither away and die. like a plant.


obrienmeg said...

I love blogs! And I love being referenced in them as well!! :)

juliuscesarsalad said...

Bonjour mon amie. Je t'admire beacoup Emma. Je pense que cette admiration est grandisez puisque je suis arrive en Prague. Je le dit a Caitlin que pour moi, tu as une simplicite de vie que seulement on peut avoir avec beaucoup de traivaille et développement de l'esprit. Je t'envie mais de la meilleure maniere. Je pense que tu devrais continuer avec ton blog! Je t'aime Emma!
- Ton amie en Prague