Friday, November 16, 2007

cats v. dogs

cats don't eat the cookies you just baked. cats don't need walks on cold days when you don't feel like going outside. cats don't whine at your cell phone when it rings. cats don't eat nasty stuff from the trash. cats don't eat ibuprofen and make you worry about how bad ibuprofen could possibly be for cats.

but cats don't have those puppy dog eyes and cats don't jump on you when you come home and cats could never protect you if an intruder came in your house or something.

so yes, i'm a cat person, but i also have a fondness for those of the canine persuasion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hee, I just started reading your blog- love it! I'm a cat person too, and I wish I could have onnnneee nowwww! (Alas, not in this flat.) Keep writing! xo