Tuesday, November 20, 2007


so i'm hanging out, listening to some peter, bjorn, and john. today has been fabulous even with the weather being so very virginia-like and by that i mean completely schizophrenic. it WAS cold this morning, wasn't it? i can barely recall because as i drove back from fresh market (pumpkin pie! $5.99! not doing that one from scratch even though it would probably be simpler. i am an overachiever, a self-challenger, hooray for me) it was definitely 77degrees. 77degreesinthemiddleoffuckingnovemberareyoufuckingkiddingmesouthcarolina?!?!?!?!?

how ridiculous.

i am feeling exceptionally happy with my life today. i'm not sure if it's the upcoming holiday(s), family coming into town, a day off of work, coffee with my dad this morning, feel-good music, an enveloping feeling of love from several different people or probably a combination of all of that, but i'm happy. very very happy.

so i started this blog with something to say, i feel, but i can't seem to remember my orginial intent.

last night was silly at work, just silly people who didn't feel like tipping (if you can't afford to go out to eat, don't go out to eat. just because you feel like you have to scrimp on some things in order to buy your friends and family christmas presents certainly doesn't mean that you have to scrimp on tipping ME, your friendly and lovable and attentive server who, by the by, ALSO needs some money to buy gifts for HER friends and family as she does have those and her life doesn't, contrary to popular belief, revolve around serving YOU.) but it was relatively okay in general, really, and i had fun with my co=workers, which honestly, some nights, is more important. between stephanie's elfing of my bosses and kaitlin's christmas idea, i did have a really good time. so if you skimmed over the parenthetical rant, don't bother going back to read it in more detail, folks.

'roll the credits'=worst song on pb&j album. just skip to 'chills' and put it on repeat.

life is lovely.

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