Monday, November 26, 2007

dee la renta?!

another monday. another afternoon of watching complete shit on television due to nothing else being on and me being far too lazy to do anything but.

today it's 'america's most smartest model' on vh1. i do have a defense though, i watch it for andre. anyone who's watched this show knows who i mean and knows that he's HILARIOUS. soviet!

thanksgiving has come and gone and was fantastic. just lots of family and food and it was warm and fuzzy and yummy all around.

i haven't written in a blog in a while and i don't have much to say, unfortunately. perhaps another one later?

p.s. i'm thankful for all of my friends and family and friends who are family who read this, who don't, who love me, and who i love.

1 comment:

zunkerific said...

Hey, I get to comment and talk to my daugher, all at the same time. How nice to see that we agree on what a nice time thanksgiving (notice the lower case) was and what a fun day it was for all the reasons days should be fun -- great food, good family atmospher, just the right amount of space and all the other things you've already blogged. I like this blog thing -- it allows you to express... by the way, the word verification below struck me as funny somehow -- p-u-c-t-p? like Larry the cable guy -- now that's funny raht there, dunno why, just is.