Thursday, June 24, 2010

interview tomorrow

i responded to an ad on craigslist for a part time receptionist at a salon here and got an email the very next day, which i'm choosing to believe is a great sign. i'd love for it to be something than can transition into full time, for sure, just sounds perfect, something at which i could really excel.

either way, if i do get it, even if it's only part time, it'll certainly be more money than i'm making now (which is none, just to be clear).

in the meantime, i strolled around town the other day in the 100 degree heat filling our applications and dropping off resumes. hopefully that bears more fruit than the efforts of april.

for now, i'm enjoying just being here. it's more expensive than i ever thought, moving, but we're doing okay. a quiche is in the oven as i write, made with eggs from my neighbor and cheese and local broccoli, and all that good stuff. dinners with my boyfriend, what a treat!

i had gotten accustomed to sorta snacking at the restaurant and calling it, plus my shift drink "dinner." it's nice to be able to make things and sit at a table and be normal. refreshing.

we'll see what happens on the job front, but send me some good vibes tomorrow afternoon, so i can at least have something...

when i come back home, to this sweet new wonderful home, i'd love to have good things to report over the dinner table with my love.

en souhaitant des bonnes nouvelles, mes amis...

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