Monday, September 21, 2009

mon anniversaire.

my birthday is in a mere nine days! almost october, tomorrow is the first official day of autumn, and here it is, what? eighty-five degrees and stupid-humid? i need seasons! it doesn't even feel like my birthday when it's this warm outside. but, and as a sort of 'rebuttal' almost of my last blog, i've been mentally preparing for the fun, optimistic, exciting part of my birthday: what i'm planning to do!

first of all, i want to wake up at a nice, normal-ish, decent hour and head to the gym. the gym always gets my days off to a good start. it's so hard to get there, to leave my nice comfy bed and my terribly snuggly cat, but sometimes that's just what it takes. my days are always, always worse when i don't go the gym; the slightest little aura of non-productivity clouds everything else i do, no matter how productive i am throughout the rest of the day. so on my birthday, of all days, the gym is totally necessary.

i plan to take the longest, warmest shower next, letting all my muscles relax and be happy birthday muscles. i'll make myself a big breakfast and watch some television, and read some blogs, the usual, taking my time, letting the birthday glow surround me.

next, i hope to have gotten a few gift certificates/money/have saved some money up, so i can take a little solo shopping trip. perhaps i'll hit up ulta and buy a bottle of perfume, or finally invest in a chi straightening iron. perhaps i'll drop in target and buy sweaters and dresses and colorful tights.

after shopping til i drop, i believe a birthday mani-pedi is in order. i want to wear OPI's either 'you don't know jacques' or 'tickle my france-y' or perhaps a fingers-toes combo of les deux?

after that, as tradition seems to be dictating (as this will be the third year in a row!!), a birthday dinner at solstice will be in order, nullifying all my gym efforts of that morning. full disclosure: solstice is my motivation for the gym. you should see me the morning of a wine dinner!

i love going to a nice dinner on my birthday. i've never really been the "i'm headed to a bar and taking shots and blacking out" girl on my birthday. it's usually been about going out for desserts, or splitting a bottle of wine, or glasses of champagne, and above all dressing up. even when i was dressing up to not even go anywhere. i love dressing up on my birthday and eating good food and being around people who make me laugh and having a couple (a few...) cocktails, and just skipping and dancing around and relishing the free-spiritedness of celebrating my existence!

so to say i'm excited seems to be an understatement. my only wish is that i had a girlfriend to share all of this with. the shopping and the pampering at least. the birthday dinner has been more of a nate-and-emma thing, although getting a huge group of my oldest and dearest friends together and infiltrating the private dining room has its temptations as well. one of these days, caitlin will find a way to be with me on the day, just as one of these days, i'll find some way to with her on her day too. these are the realities of life after college, folks!

either way, my positivity remains. i just can't wait! even while i'm being so strange and introspective and 'what have i done with my life?' i'm still super-excited about being twenty-five. i guess i'll officially be mid-twenties, and that's neat.

aux anniversaires, mes amis! un jour pour seulement vous; est-ce qu'il y a quelque chose plus parfaite?

(in other news, my french is failing.)

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