Wednesday, December 5, 2007

we don't care about the old folks...

so i was looking through some OLD pictures the other day and decided to put them online, via facebook. turns out, putting pictures of the kids i knew when we were truly KIDS is a fantastic way to get back in touch with those people! everyone likes a little 'time machine moment' to quote one of the aforementioned kids.

it just makes me happy to put a smile on the faces of people who i haven't been able to see in years, sometimes even since that time. one guy commented on a picture, saying, 'how did you recognize me?! i don't think i would have' or something to that extent, provoking my response of, 'well, that's easy, since i haven't seen you really since you looked like this.' i mean, i wouldn't recognize him NOW necessarily, funnily enough!

there may be more where those came from, i'll have to see...i'm the kind of girl who has a massive hatbox full of these kinds of pictures, strewn around in absolutely no order, so it's always fun to look through and discover and remember and laugh.

it's funny, because i look through these photos and it strikes me that there were years where some of the most important people in my life were completely uninvolved. i was eighteen when i met caitlin. i was twenty when i met nate. and i don't want to sound dramatic, but i think it's amazing that i lived an average of nineteen years without them! because they're so much a part of my life now, and they're soooo important to me and my happiness, it's interesting to look back and think, 'i wonder if i knew there was something missing then.' because i think there was. and not to detract, so to speak, from the validity of everyone else i've known--i think you are all fantastic and am so pleased that i've been able know you and wish that we could get together these days and catch up, not just post comments and messages on facebook about our good times together when we were fourteen--but there was a small hole in my life before nate and cait were in it and it's filled and i'm complete, to sound compleeeeetley cliched.
caitlin called me the other day (and by other day, i mean saturday) and we had a short conversation filled with 'i love you, i miss you,' la di dah, all that nice stuff, and then she said something about how she wants to be just like me, which was the sweetest, especially considering that for years i admired her, and i always thought i sorta looked up to her more and between last year and this, it's been a far more mutual admiration, just this, 'i think you're amazing because you're living in new york city, you have a great job, you're doing so well, i'm so proud of you,' and 'you're doing so well with nate and the job you love and you're so responsible.' it's just really nice. these things make me happy. life makes me happy. these are very upbeat, optimistic blogs these days!

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