Friday, December 14, 2007


last night i came home from a relatively un-lucrative shift at work, but still in a good mood.

i'm not the kind of girl whose mood is controlled by money or lack thereof. there's still time for this to change, but i hope to keep it the way it is, because i admire it in myself. there are too many more important things about which to fret, in my opinion and while i'd love to have more money and have that be a complete non-issue and while there are a whole slew of things i would be able to do and opportunities that would present themselves with the presence of more money, i maintain that life, and one's good mood for that matter, is not not dependent on the presence or lack of dinero.

to continue. i came home in a good mood, kind of wanting to go out and celebrate that, but totally fine to just hang at home with my boyfriend, some beers, a couple smokes, and the animals. which is what happened and it was spectacular. there's something to be said for being able to come home from work on any random day and just kicking back and having that be the highlight of your week.

work's been slow lately, which to some extent i can understand, certainly not wanting to go out to eat myself these days and holiday preparation taking up a lot of mindspace, yet it's still disappointing, especially when coworkers who have been here for at least a year comparing it to the success of last year and what sounded like a really busy, fabulous, exhausting, and super-lucrative time. meanwhile during the day, i continue to just sort of run my errands and hang out and that's all fine. the gym, taking care of our pets, shopping for gifts, writing, etc.

basically, yes, this is a blog about how happy i am where i am. again. i'm just feeling really positive these days, and optimistic, and content. inside of work, outside of work, whether i'm hanging out with nate, sitting on the balcony having hours of really amazing conversation or i'm with relative strangers, joking around about the weather at one of my tables at work. whether it's with my mother picking out a christmas tree, or going out and just letting loose with friends, or talking with caitlin on the phone on a sunday afternoon, i'm a very happy person. and i'm a very lucky girl.

la vie est belle.

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