Thursday, June 24, 2010

interview tomorrow

i responded to an ad on craigslist for a part time receptionist at a salon here and got an email the very next day, which i'm choosing to believe is a great sign. i'd love for it to be something than can transition into full time, for sure, just sounds perfect, something at which i could really excel.

either way, if i do get it, even if it's only part time, it'll certainly be more money than i'm making now (which is none, just to be clear).

in the meantime, i strolled around town the other day in the 100 degree heat filling our applications and dropping off resumes. hopefully that bears more fruit than the efforts of april.

for now, i'm enjoying just being here. it's more expensive than i ever thought, moving, but we're doing okay. a quiche is in the oven as i write, made with eggs from my neighbor and cheese and local broccoli, and all that good stuff. dinners with my boyfriend, what a treat!

i had gotten accustomed to sorta snacking at the restaurant and calling it, plus my shift drink "dinner." it's nice to be able to make things and sit at a table and be normal. refreshing.

we'll see what happens on the job front, but send me some good vibes tomorrow afternoon, so i can at least have something...

when i come back home, to this sweet new wonderful home, i'd love to have good things to report over the dinner table with my love.

en souhaitant des bonnes nouvelles, mes amis...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

we made it! now what?

so we're here and mostly moved in and have been for exactly a week. it feels like less time and so much more simultaneously--one moment it feels like we've been here for years and the next, it's like we moved in yesterday. we're still getting accustomed to everything--new neighbors, new sounds, new smells, where everything is, where to go, what to do, who to meet, what to eat, what to spend our non-existent money on, the whole deal.

if you ever want to test your relationship with someone you are under the impression that you love, move with them. it is trying. nate and i have done a decent job with this. every now and then, we get frustrated and very rarely, if at all, with each other, but when you don't know anyone else and no one returns your calls, and you're stuck with that one person...well, we were bound to take out a couple things on one another.

but it certainly hasn't been bad and i think we've passed a test of sorts, going through this and not wanting to kill each other. in fact, it's made us closer and that must be a good sign. now everyone who keeps asking, 'when are you getting married?!' the answer can be sooner rather than later. probably.

so i'm sitting here, still in my pajamas, eating french bread and brie and fresh garlic, because i'm that much of a weirdo. the animals are all settled in and resting, napping, as they do. i'm looking past my computer and out the sliding door at my deck, because i have one. it's gorgeous. huge and freshly painted and wonderful. i can't wait to have visitors, and we can hang out there and have some beers and watch the woods that are my backyard.

we still have to put up pictures, paint some bookshelves, put away books. but that's the fun part. all the lifting and sweating and pushing and tears...that part's over.

now it's the decorating and buying and trying to find a job in the midst of it all. but i have an interview this week, for a part time receptionist position at a salon, which should be fun for me. and it's something. and there are more possibilities on the horizon, i can feel it.

for now, it's fun for me to try a little something new while i try to figure out what exactly it is i want to do with my life.

bonne chance a moi!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


tomorrow is the big day of all big days, the biggest day i've had in three years, my last big day being college graduation.

wow, haven't done much in three years. that's depressing.

i mean, i have, i've worked almost every day for the past three years and have been very involved with that, and i've learned a lot, and i've loved it (and sometimes i've hated it, i'll be an honest person), but nothing huge and exceptional has really seemed to happen.

i haven't gotten a big promotion, i haven't gotten pregnant (knock on wood!) or engaged, haven't made a big move...all the things my friends have been busy with.

but now i get to be excited for my big move--i've been talking about it long enough!

it's fucking scary--i don't have a job, i don't know anyone but nate where i'm moving, we're taking such a leap.

i'm just soooo tired of complaining about where i live, and how much i'm phoning in my life and i think it's gonna take something like this, a big leap, a change, a shake-up to jumpstart my life again, which sounds like my life has sucked for three years, which it definitely hasn't, but i do need a shake-up. it's not necessarily a bad thing, i think some people need that sense of novelty and danger even in their lives. i might be one of those people.

and now is the time where i've got absolutely nothing to lose and where i could take a real chance and get a real career and not be a 'restaurant lifer' and i hope something opens itself up to me and i hope something magically reveals itself as my dream job, because i certainly don't know what i'm looking for, but in the meantime, i'm pretty terrified but very excited to pound the pavement and at least get some sort of job to pay the bills... i know that i don't want to get stuck in anything that i don't completely love and this move is showing me that i'm capable of breaking free when it's time to do so.

i don't even know if anyone reads this blog or if i'm making any sense. it's early for me, and i haven't had nearly enough coffee.

all i know is i've got about six hours to pack up all my STUFF today, then relax with a drink with my mom and a one last nice dinner with my boyfriend that needs to hold us over for a while, and then i get to get out of here!

ohhhh, columbia, i'll miss you just the tiniest bit.

but not that much.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


we helped some friends load up the uhaul today...i feel like an awesome friend. people always say true friends will help you move and that is true, because moving is awful and only people who reeeeally love you are going to willingly put themselves through that.

helping them today definitely doesn't make me more excited to do the same thing...packing and moving and loading and carrying and sweating it all out on these southern summer days that are so horrifically hot.

but seeing a moving truck and boxes stacked up and everything... it was a lovely picture of my new, rapidly approaching future.