Tuesday, January 15, 2008

hungry kitten.

my cat is looking up at me with this face that very clearly says "uhm, it's five past three and i'm HUNGRY, bitch. feed me. please?" but i'm looking back and saying "sorry, honey, if you're lucky, you'll get fed at 20 after, but really, your dinner time is four. step off. please."

i got my haircut. pictures are coming, i promise.
i love getting a haircut and it taking a while for me to get used to it. that's what's happening today. it's short. short short. and kind of fabulous. and i'm pretty sure i like it. and i'm pretty sure i'll love it by...tomorrow at the latest. i told nate and i'll express it here, i feel like i need to wear the funkiest clothes i own in order to stay even with the funky hair. this may mean some shopping?

emma, ever the optimist.

also, thanks to kait the great for THIS website:


i love it, i love it, i love it. and it makes me look even more forward to tomorrow's episode, if that were possible. maybe there will be some fabulous twist and they invite kevin back??

okay, time for my pre-work coffee and cigarette routine.

la vie est belle, mes amours!

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