Tuesday, December 28, 2010

whoa, une autre!

i'm not promising by any means, but perhaps a new blog post a week?

and what a week it's been and what a week this one promises to be. between the strife of nate and i and feeling like i live at work, it was a tough one. on christmas eve, i managed to work a twelve hour day on three hours of sleep.

it's all been worth it though. nate and i have leapt over a major hurdle. things that i've thought about on and off (and, mind you, mostly off) for the past three years or so all came to a head, and a surprising one for him, as i had never let on that i was ever thinking about them. and silly things, stupid things, little things. did i miss out on something by never really dating, like my sister does? would i prefer to be single? do i flirt too much?

and the answer to all of those is no. but it took a lot of honesty and patience and a little bit of yelling and lots of chain smoking for all of that to get out of our systems, but it is and it's done and it's over and the future looks bright.

in the meantime, i'm still working the balance of being a badass waitress and a badass friend. and though this week will be another tough one, i think everything will settle a bit after the new year and it'll be easier to achieve that balance. a little wine night with some girlfriends, a night on the town with co-workers, date night with nate, coffee and writing downtown. it's nice to be able to intersperse these things with working like a crazy person.

it's snowy on my back deck. just a cold, bright whiteness. a shock to everyone's system. it's melting away now, revealing life. i'm taking this metaphor too far, but you know what i mean.

next blog post: new year's resolutions! inspire me with yours.

au manque du drame, mes amis!

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