Wednesday, December 3, 2008

well, i suppose we'll start with britney...

did you watch that documentary on mtv the other night? you did, just admit it. 'no questions went unanswered. no topic was off limits.' really? REALLY? then where were the questions about adnan? about the hospital visits? why didn't we get a real answer about her shaving her head because her whole, 'a lot of people shave their heads' is bullshit and everyone knows it. she does, her 'interviewer' does, and we all do. for more of what i think about this 'expose,' go to

i agree with him. in other, related, news, i bought a couple songs from her new album. i'll defend myself with the 'it's good to work out to, repetitive, basic, i don't think about her silly lyrics,' but they are awful damn catchy.

onto more important topics, however...the election came and went, my very first election. and while i wouldn't say i got totally into it, as i'm still a fairly apolitical person, i did get really excited, and i did get some tears in my eyes when obama got elected. and i'm looking forward to the future. even though we are officially in a recession, for some reason, there's still hope there. and that reason is obama. and i think to a certain extent, the young people, my generation. i think we're all worried about money, but we've all got the optimism and positivity to sorta sit back and be happy that we have our jobs, however meaningless they sometimes seem, and however burnt out we sometimes feel.

i watched that funny or die video today, about prop 8, etc. (look it up--it's got jack black as jesus. you can't miss it.) gay marriage can save the economy!

i feel stuck in columbia these days, but not necessarily in a bad way even. there are reasons for me to be here. i really want to enroll in cosmetology school in the spring and of course there just so happens to be a very qualified one right by my apartment! isn't that neat? so i'm trying to save up money in order to do that in the spring. at the same time, i'm trying to make rent this month. now is probably not the time to be saving up for some seemingly-impossible goal. oh well. i've never been one for timing. it IS exciting realizing what i want to do in life, however. for the first time, really, in twenty four years. so i'll stay in columbia, with my little job and my little income, and i'm grateful. and we'll see where it goes.

and i'm going to go ahead and say something really really cheesy and that is there exists no recession in my heart. i'm rich in pretty much every other way but the obvious. i love my little family here. my cat, my dog, my boyfriend. visits with my mom, who's become a friend as we've aged. the occasional but always necessary talk with old friends, caitlin, sean, everyone who knows me best and knows the real me. my faraway friends. for as slow as people say southern people are, they don't seem to take the time to get to know anyone.

which i believe i've touched on before in this very blog!! wow!

either which way, that was my itty bitty catch-up blog. une autre bientot, je vous promets.

a votre!

1 comment:

JenGreenwell said...

you are finally back! Please keep writing Emma! I love love love to read the thoughts of your smart cute little head!