Friday, June 6, 2008

i know, it's been awhile.

patience, my friends.

i haven't been writing, because i've been WORKING. a lot. and when i'm not working, all i want to do is hang out with my family, my boyfriend, outdoors, at the pool, in the sunshine. so hanging out on a computer all day isn't appealing. yet. as the weather continues to heat up, trapping myself indoors will probably sound like a fantastic idea. fuck, i always forget how hot it gets here. every summer seems like it MUST be more humid than the one before. the memories we repress, i suppose...

a thought to end this entry:
kaitlin said something last night about how we should be honest and brutal with our opinions. we all sorta assumed she meant towards the customers. a ridiculous request is responded to with a scoff and a rolling of the eyes, that sort of thing. but she meant towards each other. which almost seems like a good idea, but on a night like last night, i think it would have ended up in one of a few scenarios: a firing, a quitting, a bitch slap, verbal abuse, and/or tears. there's always something so stressful about working in a restaurant. and especially when it's busy. and especially when it's understaffed. and especially when the same few people have to see each other almost every single day. i work almost every day and last night, i couldn't get to sleep without at least five different 'server nightmares.' i guess that's why waiter rant exists, though. so people don't have to be honest and brutal to someone's face, they can do it anonymously on the internet. and i guess that kind of liberty would be nice, but i don't think i have anything terribly mean to say to anyone. i just wish i had the power to tell people to get over themselves and work together as a team and i would get some sort of reaction, some real response.

i wish people would listen.

so i guess that's why i have my blog. to get it out there and feel like i've made some small contribution. i don't have the balls to say it to someone's face, someone with whom i have to work almost every single day, but i have the balls to at least say it. and i guess that's something...?

au pouvoir, mes amis, le pouvoir de changement.

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