Tuesday, April 15, 2008


a couple pictures of the new 'do:

it looks great in black and white (but what doesn't?) and in the color photos, it's actually gotten lighter, brighter, and less sorta' yellowy.

i think i'm going to do white blonde pieces in it next time i go in, be a blondie for about two months or so, then i'm guessing i'll get bored. maybe auburn next?

i like it, i think it's kinda edgy and different and interesting, although my mother detests it. thanks again for all the fantastic POSITIVE feedback!

bottom line, it's HAIR. it grows, it changes, and it's fun. i'm excited.

1 comment:

zunkerific said...

Don't tell your mother, but I kinda like it too. We see things differently sometimes. Although I'd have to reserve judgement until I see the new do in person. Just don't join a polygamist cult in Texas.