adding to my excitement and general contentment is the fact that april is soooo soon! i knew, as soon as i made plans, that march would drag, but in fact april is rapidly approaching and i couldn't be more ecstatic.
i'm so freaking excited about going to dc, visiting nate's family and friends and saying hello to everyone there, wrapping myself up in this sweet idea of city life, an idea from which i usually recoil, but vacations in nate's hometown with him are the best. he knows the tastiest places to eat, the most fun places to drink, the coolest people.
from there, we fly out to new york city! i've never been to nyc, never in my life, something that surprises most people who know me. but i've never been! it's true!
i can barely bear the idea of seeing caitlin again, it's just too wonderful a thought. by the time we see each other, it will have been almost exactly a year and a half since the last time we saw each other in person and while i'm thankful we've been able to keep in touch fairly well, there's just something so.much.better seeing her in person. i can't wait to see her beautiful face. i can't wait to see her smile, instead of hearing it through the telephone. she and i have something so special and not a day goes by when i don't relish our friendship and feel completely in love with what we have, but sometimes it gets so fucking tired, not seeing her.

from there, we head back to dc for a quick stop, then it's on to carrboro, NC! this is the place that nate and i have semi-decided we might want to make our home relatively shortly. however, we've never even been there! so we're gonna make a little day trip out of it. i think, weather-wise, it'll be fantastic timing and i'm anxious to feel out the sweet, small town that i think could be really perfect.
add to all of that amazingness the fact that sean will be nearby on april 27th and i'm going to go up and visit him while he's on tour, and april is shaping up to be the best month of the year!
j'ai voulu de partager avec vous, mes amis. vive les printemps!