Thursday, March 20, 2008


blonde, not plus, for all those cola kids out there.

i need a change. next week, nate and i are headed to washington, d.c. to see his family, to see cool people, to eat good food, drink, hang, shop, and have a real vacation. so that'll be a nice change of pace from working at the restaurant so much. i'll come back refreshed, excited, ready. until then, i plan on working my little butt off and making lots of money for DC, and being super positive every day.

but for those who know me well, when i say i need change, i usually achieve it via my hair. whether it be a little color here, a drastic cut there, i like playing with hair. it grows. nothing's ever completely permanent, really, it can always be fixed if need be. i love that. there are few things in life that are quite as much fun as playing with hair. with that said, i really like my cut. i've done pretty much everything except for a buzzcut. i've done long hair, layered hair, side bangs, straight across bangs, the vidal sassoon bob, the pixie, and most things in between. i've done red hair, brown hair, black hair, even blue hair and pink hair (for about a day each). but i've never done blonde...

so i've made an appointment with my wonderful hairstylist to go platinum blonde on april 11th. starting then, if everything works out (and it will, because i trust my girl enough to know she's not letting me out of the salon unhappy), my hair will look like this:

get excited. 'cause i am.

Monday, March 10, 2008


new blog soon, je vous promets, but for now, something to share with you:

exactly what it sounds like. i love.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


so last weekend, i visited charlottesville. i have a friend, lyssia, who i've known since before i was in second grade (which, every time i say that or i think that, becomes more and more impressive). she lives in oregon now, working as an executive chef and visiting her in virginia while she was there for a week made a lot more sense than flying out to oregon. plus, i'm always looking for an excuse to visit virginia. if i don't do so at least once a year, i feel a little crazy. especially with the non-weather of south carolina. i miss mountains and seasons.

either way. lyssia. this is a girl with whom i used to hang on a very regular basis from second grade until at least tenth. we would make crepes together with peaches and whipped cream, we would do little spa days with homemade hair conditioners and we'd paint our toenails. she was "Wall L" in sixth or seventh grade. i was "Wall E." long story.

it was fantastic seeing her. and i loved that she got to meet nate. they had 'met' via facebook (ohhhh, 21st century, you're sooo weird!!), but never met in reality. we were able to stay at another old friend, laura's, house right in the middle of town. it was a great home base, and so sweet that laura offered it. and that's nelson county for ya: you can not see someone or really even talk to them for seven years and they'll still offer their house for you to crash at. it's amazing. i miss people like that. really good friends, real connections, people who are consistent at least and consistently nice at best.

so many other things happening these days. i've been working more at the restaurant, including some office work during the days which is nice for several reasons--money, feeling more accomplished at the end of the day, learning more, challenging myself--plus becca's in town for spring break, plus nate and i are headed to DC next week for his spring break. i can't wait to eat amazing food, see fun people, go shopping, do an actual vacation...take a real break, not just a weekend, and sort of recollect myself.

yesterday was an odd day. my sister called while i was at work to tell me that my grandmother on my dad's side had died the night before. and i felt so off and strange all day, and almost guilty, because i don't feel that sad. i didn't really know her at all. i was always under the impression that she was a really nice lady, but i really didn't know her. and i don't know how my dad is dealing with it, but i hope he's fine. i think he's fine. i think she was the second least likely to go first out of all my grandparents. it just threw me a bit yesterday and i didn't know whether to tell my co-workers, because it's like, i mean, i'm fine with it. it shouldn't necessarily affect my work. i've just never had a death in the family, i've never been able to say that, i've never had to say that. i don't have two full sets of grandparents anymore. it's all just very different. hm. all i can say, in conclusion i suppose, is that i hope it was very peaceful.

isn't that all we can ever hope for?

la vie est belle. live it well.